Monday, January 14, 2008

State Legislative Session Starts

Today, the State of Iowa General Assembly begins to meet for their 2009 legislative session. We are hoping the legislature takes a good look at street funding this year. Last year, they received a report that indicated the state would have a shortfall of $29 billion in street construction over the next twenty years. While putting aside the gas tax, which hasn't been raised since 1989, the legislature is looking at other sources for revenue.

This is important for Vinton since prices for personnel and fuel (the city spent $6000 on fuel last month for snow removal) keep increasing, while the city's revenue from the state for streets only increases at about $1000-$2000 each year. This is another reason why the Council decided to look at possible revenue from the Local Option Sales Tax for street improvements, should the referendum pass on Janaury 29.

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